Luz Southside Partnership –> Proyecto Rosa
Proyecto Rosa
Contact: Mia Ruiz, Proyecto Rosa Coordinator
E-mail: [email protected]
Luz Southside Partnership
3819 South Evans, Suite 304
Tucson, AZ 85714
(520) 294-7620
(520) 294-1142 fax
What is Proyecto Rosa?
Young People today face a new world of challenges and opportunities, and Proyecto Rosa is a youth serving program designed to engage preteens in meeting these challenges. Proyecto Rosa is designed to be a creative, fun learning experience that provides boys and girls, ages 6-15 and their parents with accurate information, resistance training, and other critical skills for avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and premature sexual involvement. The SMART(Skills Mastery and Resistance Training) Moves curriculum is the core component of Proyecto Rosa.
What are the primary goals of Proyecto Rosa?
Proyecto Rosa aims to provide young people with the knowledge, skills, self-esteem and peer support to help them achieve the following:
- Avoid using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
- Avoid involvement in other drug-related activities, such as drunk driving or drug-trafficking.
- Postpone sexual activity.
One of the most challenging responsibilities in life is that of being a parent. Parents can help their children make healthy choices about exposure to alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and premature sexual activities. The Parent component provides:
- Accurate information about Alcohol, Tobacco and other drugs, adolescent sexual development, and sexual behavior.
- Orientation to the pressures that influence youthful involvement with alcohol, other drugs and sexual behavior, and the roles that parents’ own attitudes and behavior may play.
- Practice in communication and other skills for parents.
Program Summary:
Proyecto Rosa is a three-year science based prevention program funded by the Governors Office of Drug Control Policy. The project began in September 1999 and is currently in its third year. Proyecto Rosa is based in the Southside of Tucson in the Luz Southside Partnership area. This area consists of neighborhoods located between 22nd Street to the North, Los Reales and Valencia Road to the South, Country Club Road to the East, and the Santa Cruz River to the West.
This year the program has been implemented at C.E. Rose Elementary School, Mission View Elementary School, Apollo Middle School, Challenger Middle School, the Rose Family Resource and Wellness Center and the Apostolic Church located on 12th between Ajo and Irvington.. Recruitment for Smart Parents is currently taking place and will remain ongoing until numbers are satisfied.
Currently alternative activities have been provided to Proyecto Rosa participants. Activities were held at the Gateway Ice Center, Pima Air Museum, Tucson Children’s Museum, and at Funtastics. In addition, a largely attended activity, called the “Family Fun” event was held at Los Ninos park on September 16, 2001. The event really united families and made even more of a community impact due to tragic event that took place on September 11, 2001.
Thus far, Proyecto Rosa has reached over 200 participants that have gone through the program. As measured through pre- and post-test evaluation, the results of the program have been favorable.
Outcome results for the Smart Kids (6-9yrs.) from pretest to post test:
- 56.8% increase of ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, other Drugs) knowledge
- 54.6% increase of Drug Knowledge
Outcome results for the Start Smart (10-12yrs.) from pretest to post test:
- 52.2% increase of enhance Peer Pressure Skills
- 15.9% increase of Drug Knowledge
- 45.5% increase of ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, other Drugs) knowledge
Outcome results for the Stay Smart (13-15yrs.) from pretest to post test:
- 46.5% increase of Alcohol Knowledge
- 36.6% increase of Drug Knowledge
Outcome results for the Keep Smart (Parents) from pretest to post test:
- 16.6% increase of Alcohol Knowledge
- 71.4% increase of Drug Knowledge
- 28.6% increase of providing accurate information on sex