Creating Multi-EthnicM Community Learning Centers

Luz Academy of Tucson –> Creating Multi-Ethnic Community Learning Centers

Creating Multi-Ethnic Community Learning Centers

Contact: Esperanza Lumm, Director of Afterschool Programs
E-mail: [email protected]

Luz Academy of Tucson
2797 N. Introspect Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85745
(520) 882-6216
(520) 623-9291 fax

The Creating Multi-Ethnic Community Learning Centers (CMEC) is a collaborative of five chartered high schools in Tucson, for which Luz Academy serves as the fiscal agent and lead agency. The centers are federally funded through the US Department of Education. The program is currently in its second year of programming and provides afterschool programs focusing on multicultural education at four charter schools in Tucson: PPEP TEC, Presidio High School, Vision High School, and Ha:sañ Preparatory and Leadership School.

The Creating Multi-Ethnic Community Learning Centers serve low-income, at-risk, ethnic minority students ages 14 to 21 at four chartered high schools in the Tucson area. The centers focus on developing strategies to ensure graduation from high school by providing tutoring services or homework help, access to technology through open computer labs, substance abuse and violence prevention programs, multicultural education programs, and offering courses such as computer classes to parents of participants. Each center provides varying activities ranging from basket weaving to anger management classes. Two sites, Ha:sañ and Vision, serve primarily Native American students. PPEP TEC’s Hispanic population is estimated at 70%. The centers provide minority students with opportunities to achieve higher standards and participate in meaningful activities.

The Creating Multi-Ethnic Community Learning Centers is completing its year 02 Annual Performance Report on April 12th. In year 01 of the program, the centers documented 765 participants in a variety of programs such as basket weaving, tobacco cessation, anger management, art, and dance. This year’s achievement evaluation, which will be completed in October, will document any academic change from year 01 to year 02 in the participating students of the CMEC Learning Centers.