Familias Unidas Program

Adelante Juntos Coalition –> Familias Unidas Program

Familias Unidas Program

Contact: Sandee Maestas, Familias Unidas Project Coordinator
E-mail: [email protected]

San Manuel Office
324 El Camino Road
San Manuel, AZ 85731
Phone: 520-385-3028
Fax: 520-385-3029
Superior Office
199 Lobb Avenue, PO Box 276
Superior AZ 85273
Phone: 520-689-2985
Fax: 520-689-5088

The Familias Unidas Project is a program designed to work with families in the Tri-Community of Oracle, San Manuel, and Mammoth, Arizona. The intent of the program is to empower healthy growth for families and the community.
The program has two phases –

1) Dissemination of information concerning the program began February 2001 and the first consensus panel meeting followed in March. The consensus panel consists of parents from the three communities. Four model parenting skills were reviewed by nine parent panels, and The Strengthening Multi-Ethnic Families and Communities was chosen by the panel because of the adaptability to the communities’ needs and characteristics.

2) The implementation of the program resulting in the successful completion and graduation of 30 parents from the Tri-Community. The families will be paid a $200.00 incentive for completion of the training session.

During the pilot program, 12 parents graduated and 20 parents graduated in March 2002. The final 10 parents should be committed to complete the program during our next session scheduled to begin the last week of April 2002. The Familias Unidas program is sponsored by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP).

The Strengthening Multi-Ethnic Families and Communities

The Strengthening Multi-Ethnic Families and Communities Program helps the parent raise violent-free children in their homes and communities. The goal of the program is to enhance and strengthen the family structure by building a positive relationship with the parent and child. Thus, the program assists in the strengthening of family bonds. Parents receive training in managing family conflict, and expressing and controlling anger resulting in the decrease of the child’s risk behavior in the early teen years.

“The Program address violence against the self (drug/alcohol), and violence against other (child abuse, domestic violence, crime, gangs) through five curriculum component areas: Cultural/Spiritual; Enhancing Relationships- Violence Prevention; Positive Discipline; Rite of Passage; and Community Involvement. All component areas are used to assist parents and children (13-18 years) in developing strong ethnic/cultural roots, a positive Parent-Child Relationship, and life skills necessary for functioning in today’s society. Anger Management and Positive Discipline approaches are integrated to enhance parent ability to Model and Teach as a vehicle for fostering high self-esteem, self-discipline and social competence.” (Marilyn L. Steele, Program Developer)